You never really know what’s in store for your future self when you make the decision to follow your heart. When I started this business a little over 2 years ago it was barely more than an idea.
• I had just closed down Admin Guru (my prior biz).
• I had done a photo shoot and put together a simple website.
• I had one offering: vision board workshops. And didn’t know what my next offering or when my next workshop would be.
• I knew I was on the right path . . . but I couldn’t see where that path was headed (or how I could pay my bills).
• I knew that in order to make my business work, I needed the guidance of a coach to help me create a plan that would make it viable.
There were times when I doubted
what I was doing but I kept following
my heart and intuition
Since early 2020 I’ve invested just over $44K in certifications, coaching, a high-end mastermind, courses and trainings.
In just the past 6 – 9 months alone, I’ve:
✨ Interviewed on 11 podcast episodes (and have several more lined up)
✨ Been featured as a summit speaker and panel expert on several events
✨ Made my first $2500 facilitating a one hour corporate training
✨ Have been invited to co-author a book on depression and also have another book of my own in the works
✨ Continued to hone my speaking skills by writing, memorizing and competing (making the Top 10) at Speaker Slam
✨ Have learned how to set up Facebook ads (no easy feat!)
✨ Have hired a V.A.
✨ Have had my first $5300 week
And that’s only what’s coming to mind as I sit and type. I would have to look at my journals to share even more.

I’m not telling you all of this to boast – I’m telling you this so you can see that when you start out towards your dream – you really can’t see what’s going to happen down the road. What’s under the soil. You’re planting the seeds – many all over the place – but you must keep nurturing them, in the right environment – with dedication and faith.
Annnd the most important part in all of this is the continual inner work. As you know – we must tend to the roots to harvest healthy fruits!
There will be times in life and business when things seem like they’re not working
I’ve been there. For example last August I did warm and cold outreach DM’ing at least 400 people for more than a month. ROI?? Nothing much in the way of direct ROI – and boy did I feel very disheartened.
It’s times like that when you need to be especially persistent in your belief that it’s on it’s way; releasing any doubt while harnessing an abundance mindset. Because as with the case above, interesting indirect ROI came around – and unexpected opportunities did show up that I never could have imagined!
So today, I want to encourage you to go deep with this work and give it your all. It’ll take some time, effort, and persistence, but your dream is totally possible.
Trust me, if I can do it, you can too. I’m only just a few steps ahead of where you are now.
To support you in getting more clear on your vision or what action to take, book your free 30 minute clarity call so I can help you discern what your best next steps might be.