There’s a lot of talk in the spiritual community about “love and light” and being a “light worker”. It sounds great on the surface, but at a deeper level it’s based on the premise that there are a hierarchy of vibrations, and therefore ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ ways to feel and be in the world.
Being happy is considered a high vibration, whereas experiencing anger or frustration is seen as a low vibration.
Not only is this problematic because it rejects the totality of people
Not only is this problematic because it rejects the totality of people (sometimes we experience joy, and other times we experience suffering), but it also disregards and even vilifies those people who have every right to be sad or mad due to systemic inequality that makes life MUCH harder for them based on their skin color, gender, sexual orientation, physical abilities, mental health, social ‘status’, or anything else that excludes them from the privilege of being ‘the norm’.
All emotions are valid. And working through our trauma and suffering is JUST as important as feeling those emotions that we consider ‘positive’. We are neither one nor the other, we encompass all of it.
What do you think about the “lightworker” and “love and light” movements? Please share below, I love hearing from you ✨
Personally, I’ve chosen to no longer use the #lightworker hashtag
What do you think about the “lightworker” and “love and light” movements? Please share below, I love hearing from you ✨