This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass

Have you been hit in a good way by eclipse season or in a not-so-good way? Or at all? For some of us we’ve been hit with unexpected circumstances to the point of almost feeling in a bit of a crisis. Perhaps you’ve stumbled upon this and it’s timely because...
All ‘Vibrations’ Are Valid

All ‘Vibrations’ Are Valid

There’s a lot of talk in the spiritual community about “love and light” and being a “light worker”. It sounds great on the surface, but at a deeper level it’s based on the premise that there are a hierarchy of vibrations, and...
I’m Turning Into A Science Nerd

I’m Turning Into A Science Nerd

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know how much I sing the glory of gratitude and cultivating a daily practice. There’s a science behind gratitude It improves our general well-being, increases our resilience, strengthens social relations and reduces...