May 16, 2022 | Mental Health, Mindset, Visualization |
Have you been hit in a good way by eclipse season or in a not-so-good way? Or at all? For some of us we’ve been hit with unexpected circumstances to the point of almost feeling in a bit of a crisis. Perhaps you’ve stumbled upon this and it’s timely because...
Feb 9, 2022 | Manifesting, Mental Health, Mindset |
I talk a lot about allowing yourself to dream big and growing into the best version of you. Often I liken the idea of setting the intention for our desires to planting seeds in a garden. But something we need to remember is that planting seeds isn’t the only criteria...
Jan 6, 2022 | Mental Health, Mindset, Sobriety, Transformation |
I shrunk down in the back row of the crowded church basement. I stared at the styrofoam cup I was clutching with a mix of defeat, despair and horror. I didn’t even drink coffee but my uncomfortableness required any sort of buffer. I made a quick and covert assessment...
Dec 8, 2021 | Accountability, Goal Getting, Mental Health, Mindset |
My son has been sick – for what seems like forever. We are now in our 6th week of what started out as a flu or cold. It’s not Covid – and it’s not pneumonia; it seems most likely it’s bronchitis. This cough doesn’t want to budge either. For the past week...
Aug 30, 2021 | Mental Health, Mindset, Sobriety, Transformation |
Today I turn 15 years sober. I like to say that alcohol was never my problem – but rather – reality was. I always felt so much more at ease when I could put a buffer between me and the sharp edges of real life. And because I started drinking at age 14, I...
Jun 10, 2021 | Gratitude, Mental Health, Mindset, Transformation |
Have you ever talked to yourself in the mirror? Louise Hay recommends you look directly into your eyes and tell yourself how much you love yourself every single day. She calls it ‘Mirror Work’ and she’s written a book about it. There are times when things can feel...