May 16, 2022 | Mental Health, Mindset, Visualization |
Have you been hit in a good way by eclipse season or in a not-so-good way? Or at all? For some of us we’ve been hit with unexpected circumstances to the point of almost feeling in a bit of a crisis. Perhaps you’ve stumbled upon this and it’s timely because...
May 10, 2022 | Accountability, Goal Setting and Getting, Mindset, Sobriety, Transformation |
Remember Jack Black’s band Tenacious D? This isn’t about the band, but recently I have been inspired by the topic of tenacity. For me I think of one of the biggest turning points requiring tenacity in my life was my recovery story. I have been very open...
Mar 9, 2022 | Goal Getting, Goal Setting and Getting, Law of Attraction, Mindset, Transformation |
You never really know what’s in store for your future self when you make the decision to follow your heart. When I started this business a little over 2 years ago it was barely more than an idea. • I had just closed down Admin Guru (my prior biz). • I had done a photo...
Feb 9, 2022 | Manifesting, Mental Health, Mindset |
I talk a lot about allowing yourself to dream big and growing into the best version of you. Often I liken the idea of setting the intention for our desires to planting seeds in a garden. But something we need to remember is that planting seeds isn’t the only criteria...
Jan 6, 2022 | Mental Health, Mindset, Sobriety, Transformation |
I shrunk down in the back row of the crowded church basement. I stared at the styrofoam cup I was clutching with a mix of defeat, despair and horror. I didn’t even drink coffee but my uncomfortableness required any sort of buffer. I made a quick and covert assessment...
Dec 8, 2021 | Accountability, Goal Getting, Mental Health, Mindset |
My son has been sick – for what seems like forever. We are now in our 6th week of what started out as a flu or cold. It’s not Covid – and it’s not pneumonia; it seems most likely it’s bronchitis. This cough doesn’t want to budge either. For the past week...