Dec 4, 2021 | Law of Attraction, Mindset |
There’s a lot of talk in the spiritual community about “love and light” and being a “light worker”. It sounds great on the surface, but at a deeper level it’s based on the premise that there are a hierarchy of vibrations, and...
Sep 17, 2021 | Law of Attraction, Mindset, Sobriety, Transformation |
A few weeks ago I had the honour of being a guest of Arlina Allen’s – host of Sobriety Podcast ODAAT Chat. Have a listen if you feel so inclined. I talk about how I got sober 15 years ago, and Arlina and I also share about our common interest –...
Aug 30, 2021 | Mental Health, Mindset, Sobriety, Transformation |
Today I turn 15 years sober. I like to say that alcohol was never my problem – but rather – reality was. I always felt so much more at ease when I could put a buffer between me and the sharp edges of real life. And because I started drinking at age 14, I...
Aug 13, 2021 | Clarity, Goal Getting, Mindset |
Last week I found myself feeling uncomfortable with it being ‘too quiet’ in my business. The emails and messages I wanted to come in – didn’t. It was crickets. I found myself feeling unexpectedly sad. My mind went into old patterns of self-doubt. Gosh the mind’s...
Aug 8, 2021 | Accountability, Goal Setting and Getting, Manifesting, Mindset |
Today is a powerful new moon in Leo. All new moons are powerful, but this one is especially due to the 8 – 8 Lionsgate portal (8th month, 8th day). I’m not a pro astrologer by any stretch, but if you’re interested in what exactly this Lionsgate business means,...
Jun 10, 2021 | Gratitude, Mental Health, Mindset, Transformation |
Have you ever talked to yourself in the mirror? Louise Hay recommends you look directly into your eyes and tell yourself how much you love yourself every single day. She calls it ‘Mirror Work’ and she’s written a book about it. There are times when things can feel...