I remember when I initially learned about the Green School in Bali. About 10 years ago, I stumbled upon it doing research for unconventional heart-centred and eco-concious kids’ schools. It was in my first year of taking a stab at entrepreneurship; I was working diligently at making my new children’s art and yoga biz a success. Centre for Art & Soul had a heavy focus on cultivating creativity and wellness in kids along with environmentalism being woven into all of our classes. Learning about Bali’s Green School ignited something in me. It touched on everything I wanted to teach kids in my own small and humble classes. In fact, the more I delved into learning about Green School, the more I started to secretly dream about moving there. I mused – how wonderful it would be to have my son (6 yrs old at the time) go to this school. And I even began to fantasize about becoming a teacher or administrator there. Of course I had to pack that dream away – because how could that ever happen when I was smack dab in the middle of trying to attract students to this new biz and grow Centre for Art & Soul? I concluded that it wasn’t meant to be for me, but Green School Bali placed a solid stronghold on my heart.
I’m a big advocate for creating vision boards and have been for many years. Many of my vision boards over the years have had a pic or 2 of some place in Bali on them. Over time, many of my dreams that were on my vision boards have come to fruition. And I never stopped believing I would one day get to Bali – perhaps for a holiday or retreat. But the dream was more of an underlying quiet ‘some day’ image. My life kept evolving, my son got into a very prestigious school here in Toronto at the age of 10, and getting to the other side of the world just didn’t fit in at the time… Since first learning of Green School many things in life have needed my attention – an ailing parent, being an executor, single parenting and supporting my son with all of his life stuff, starting another business etc. etc. Life, along with time, passed…

Well today I’m here to say dreams do come true if you keep them in your mind’s eye – even if quietly. In no way could I ever have predicted how, when or under what circumstances I would end up at Green School as a teacher, but just last week – that is exactly what happened. And I had practically nothing to do with it – other than putting it out into the Universe and staying detached from the outcome many moons ago.
The experience of me getting to teach at Green School happened in a matter of hours. A friend of mine who is now living in Bali – with her own kids at Green School reached out to me to ask if I might be interested in teaching a virtual workshop to some of her ex-pat/parent friends on how to create a vision board. I immediately jumped at the chance. Within a few days of her first posing the idea, there I was over cyberspace – conducting a workshop to some very keen students. I was in my glory and had to pinch myself a few times to believe it was actually happening!
My friend who made it happen had the kindness in her heart to do a walk-through of the grounds with her camera so that I felt like I was actually there strolling through the eco-village. It was the closest I could get to actually being there – without being there in person. My heart exploded and eyes welled up when I saw her video. I was awestruck. My dream had manifested!
Sometimes our dreams manifest in entirely different ways that we may have envisioned too. Which actually adds to the magical part of dreaming big. Letting go of ‘the how’ allows for all sorts of synchronities to get to work behind the scenes before we actually see any results in our current reality.
The other kind of neato part of this story is that my friend who moved her family to Green School Bali had taken my vision board workshop 2 years ago and she attributes that work to have been an integral part in her taking steps to make the move happen. She created the vision board, and immediately started making her plans on how to bring her own dreams of Bali to fruition.
I believe there are no coincidences.
It’s miracles like this that continually remind me to believe that we are inclined to succeed and destined for greatness. Meanwhile Bali is still on my vision board for 2020. I do still think I’ll get there in person – sooner than later at this point – and I can’t wait until I discover how it all comes about!
