A course for women in recovery learning a new way of life. Up-level & attract more of what you desire! Weekly (5 consecutive Thurs. nights – starting on Sept. 9th)
You’re on a journey of transformation. Some of it’s painful, some a bit scary and some very exciting! You know you’re meant for something bigger – you’ve heard the whispers from within…
What is the ‘Infinite Possibilities’ course all about?
With the Infinite Possibilities course, you will discover how powerful you actually are when it comes to manifesting your dreams and desires. You’ll learn how to harness your thoughts, beliefs and feelings and move past limiting beliefs and negative self-talk in order to manifest your vision through deliberate, consistent actions and in turn, live your best life.
This is an 8 hour course is taught over 5 weeks – one session per week – on Thursday evenings. It’s all about having FUN and getting excited about the infinite potential for your life.
Course outline:
1) Thoughts become Things
2) Beliefs and Perceptions
3) Emotions
4) Taking Action
5) Instincts Hunches, Dreams and Desires
6) Faith and the Magical Universe
7) The Meaning of Life
Key Takeaways of Infinite Possibilities:
See full details here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/infinite-possibilities-the-art-of-living-your-dreams-for-women-in-recovery-tickets-117806974833