It’s time to start living the life of your dreams
Infinite Possibilities Course
**All Workshops have moved online and are facilitated over zoom until further notice.
Thoughts Become things.
Everything is possible.
You’ve been yearning for growth and expansion. You feel the need for alignment in your soul’s work and contribution in the world. You want to have a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Now you’ve found yourself on this page. There are no coincidences – you’re exactly where you’re meant to be in this moment. You’ve been called here to wake up to your own Infinite Possibilities!
By taking the Infinite Possibilities course, you’ll learn how powerful you actually are when it comes to manifesting your dreams and desires. You’ll learn how to harness your thoughts, leverage your beliefs and feelings and do away with limiting beliefs or negative self-talk. With practice, you’ll begin to expect miracles! Believing is seeing (and not the other way around).

Guidance from an
experienced mentor
I’m Lisa Kelly, and I’ll be your
Infinite Possibilities facilitator.
the Tools work because I have witnessed shifts in my own life.
For years I’ve had a strong belief in the law of attraction and a faith that the Universe is conspiring on my behalf. What I didn’t understand until working with Mike Dooley and becoming a certified trainer, is how so many of my thoughts and words were being informed by limiting beliefs and perceptions. I was saying affirmations daily, but my my unconscious thoughts, words and actions told a different story. By doing the course and becoming a trainer, I’ve seen radical change within myself and I’m now compelled to share these empowering lessons and tools with others.
With understanding and practice, you too can begin to see how your dream life is possible.
‘Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Changing Your Life’ is a revolutionary program that teaches you how to have an amazing life by understanding the power of your own thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Based on the world-renowned, NY Times bestselling book Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams by Mike Dooley, this training will help empower you to create the highest degree of happiness and success in your life!
Lisa has been trained directly by Mike Dooley and is a Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer & Mentor in the Art of Changing Your Life. Infinite Possibilities Trainers believe that everyone is special, that every life is meaningful, and that we’re all here to make a difference and to learn that dreams do come true. We also believe that “thoughts become things,” and that imagination and intention are the gifts that bring love, health, abundance and joy into our lives.

Program Overview
Infinite Possibilities is designed to open you up to understanding just how powerful you are, and to begin to see how limitless life’s magic really is. This program can be broken down and taught in quite a few different formats, depending on the needs of those in each class. IP is divided into seven different sections, often taught over the course of six 1 or 1.5-hour sessions. It can easily be done as four 2-hour or 90 minute sessions, or as half and full day workshops!
Key Takeaways of Infinite Possibilities:
Everyone who goes through this program will come away with:
- An understanding of how to identify your limiting beliefs, so you can move past barriers and attract more of what you want into your life (Love, Health, Money… you name it!)
- Priceless tools and resources for combating negativity, creating happiness NOW, and having better relationships and connection in all areas of your life.
- A sense of trust that everything you desire is within your reach, and knowledge of how to attain it so that you can live more free immediately, and can find pleasure and joy in every moment.
In a nutshell, I help people identify the desired changes they wish for in their lives. And then teach them how to manifest abundance through deliberate and consistent actions. In short, I help people live their best lives.
A life unlimited.
My aim is for attendees to feel empowered after doing the IP course. They will walk away with tools on living deliberately and creating consciously. And then – with practice – they will flourish.
Every thought we think is creating our future.
~ Louise Hay
To see when I’ll be running this course next, please check the ‘Events’ page.
I’m so very glad I attended your workshop…. It REALLY has impacted my life and continues to do so.
And THE work… It’s very simple and easy to follow. ‘Thoughts become things’…. Those three words…. Are everything to me these days. I’m finding it easier to centre myself. Whenever my mind wanders off to dark and unwanted places. I remind myself those three words – and I’m racing back to my home base.
Lisa, you have a really good heart and your thoughtfulness and guidance is very impactful. I’m so much more clear, intentional and kind with myself. Thank you for being a great facilitator and leading the Infinite Possibilities sessions with openness and sincerity… Sharing your own stories and commitment to your sobriety was truly inspiring. It definitely gave and gives me strength in knowing I too can achieve it — and to keep believing in myself. It further confirms the importance and the work that you do…. And the difference your workshops are and can make in the world.
I offer Corporate workshops too
Ask me how I can bring the Infinite Possibilities course to your office. The course will help with cultivating employee autonomy and empowerment, as well as deliberate and conscious co-creation between team members. Infinite Possibilities will bring a new-found excitement to your company’s mission.
Ask A Question About the program
“Live life as if everything is rigged in your favour.”
– Rumi