I talk a lot about allowing yourself to dream big and growing into the best version of you. Often I liken the idea of setting the intention for our desires to planting seeds in a garden.
But something we need to remember is that planting seeds isn’t the only criteria for manifesting.
The environment we choose to place those seeds in is also just as important. There are many things to address when it comes to fostering the beautiful creation we are planting. Is it getting enough sunlight? Water? What about the quality of the soil?
Do You Have a State of Mind for Manifesting?
In what way are we adding nourishment (ie: clean living and self-care)?
Or ploughing, tilling, weeding? How frequently are the weeds (self-doubt, negative self-talk) being removed to prevent from blocking the ultimate growth?
These are all key parts of manifesting. Doing the inner work. Releasing toxicity etc.…
Setting intentions is also about your state of mind, state of being.
Ask your heart… Who Am I?
Am I patient? Am I kind? Am I calm? Am I receptive? Am I open? Am I strong? Am I resilient – can I weather the storm? Am I grateful? Am I generous? Am I creative? Can I see obstacles as opportunities? Am I open to change? Am I forgiving?
Do I Love Myself?

The #1 Habit
Want to know the #1 habit to make you feel happier and more fulfilled right now (and therefore provide healthy soil for your seeds)?
Being Kinder To Yourself
AND it’s the one you’re least likely to do! Ways to change this:
Survey your needs… take a break, a nap, make a realistic to-do list. Go for a walk, get your favourite coffee. Being kinder to yourself also looks like setting boundaries, saying no, and asking for help.
Think about this – how kind are you being to yourself today?