Have you been hit in a good way by eclipse season or in a not-so-good way? Or at all?
For some of us we’ve been hit with unexpected circumstances to the point of almost feeling in a bit of a crisis.
Perhaps you’ve stumbled upon this and it’s timely because you’re having a tough time – regardless of what’s going on with the cosmos.
I’m writing because I too have been hit with many crises one after another since about the end of March… Thankfully things have settled a bit, but I know there is still much for me to get through.
I want to share what has helped me during this time and perhaps one or some of these here might work for you too.
- Ask for help. Talk to your go-to support people, friends/ family often. And don’t worry about having ‘negative energy’. The struggle is real – and you’re human. You have emotions and you’re allowed to process what you’re experiencing. Don’t rush or bypass what you need to go through.
- I find EFT tapping helps. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I love Brad Yates. This particular one for letting go of control helped me a few weeks back.
- Get lots of sleep.
- Do things that are good for yourself as soon as you wake up. Do not look at email or social media first. Throughout my challenging time this spring, my miracle morning has remained a rock solid ritual:
My cacao ceremony with journalling and gratitude,
Reading books for spiritual/emotional/mental health,
Affirmations and visualizations.
- Do something you wouldn’t normally do during the day… For example:
Take a break and clean out or tidy one small cupboard. Make space. Purge.
Or get outside in the sun and walk some trails in nature. Or even just around the block.
Or go window shopping.
Just do something out of the ordinary from your day to day habits.
- Become super intentional about who you are spending your time with.
- Eat less processed foods. And drink lots of water (especially if you’ve been shedding tears).
- Pray or meditate. Connect with your higher self in whatever form that takes.
- Allow time for naps and integration.
- And allow space to receive. 🙏🏼

The Universe is guiding you to
do things differently
If you’re really feeling this rough patch like me, you’ll soon realize that the Universe is guiding you to course correct and do things differently.
The old way of doing things that worked in the past aren’t working anymore. It’s time for change.
So go easy on yourself, baby steps, you got this – and know that this too, shall pass.

Everything Is As it should be in my world
P.S. Over the past 18 months I have a deepened my appreciation and study for the classic text A Course In Miracles. My go-to book in times of challenge is
‘A Course In Miracles Made Easy’ by Alan Cohen. I can read any random page and I am immediately reminded that everything is all as it should be in my world.
P.S.S. Speaking of books – please enjoy my complimentary list of recommended reading regarding all things mindset and personal transformation.