I’ve always known that the best way to manifest a goal is to become super clear on the end result. But what does one do when their end result is looking all cloudy or isn’t visible at all? This was my problem about 10 months ago. Here I was facilitating vision board workshops – teaching others how to envision their dream life – and yet when it came to my own vision for my online management business I was coming up blank. It was an unnerving feeling because I had no clue on the direction I wanted to go anymore. I couldn’t find an image to put on my vision board for something I had no clarity about. I felt pretty lost. So I did what I learned from Danielle LaPorte when it comes to core desires. I thought about how I wanted to feel instead. Even though I was uncertain on next moves for my business, I could at least be extremely clear on how I wanted to feel. I wanted to feel aligned with my soul’s purpose again. I wanted to feel motivated, excited – INSPIRED. I wanted creativity to return. When it came time for me to put an image on my vision board for my business, I sourced out a photo that represented best to me all of those feelings. I liked an image of fireworks. I wanted to feel like that!

This helped a little bit. It didn’t really offer any true direction or tangible vision for things to do, but it was something. What it also offered: clarity on what I didn’t want. And I knew things were going to have to change. Again. It was only a couple of years ago that I thought ‘I’d arrived’ in entrepreneurship.  And now I had to come to terms with the fact that my evolving wasn’t over! But without any guiding plan – I was the epitome of a ship without a rudder. I experienced what I believe was my ‘dark night of the soul’. My mojo was gone and I was in a funk for a good 6 months.

Thankfully, nothing stays the same forever, and things started to shift. A couple of books that were monumental for me during this period of self-doubt were ‘Thriving Through Uncertainty’ by Tama Kieves and ‘A Beginner’s Guide to the Universe’ by Mike Dooley.

These books taught me that I had to allow for the space required to let things shift naturally. I didn’t enjoy it; it’s not my comfort zone – being out of control. But with staying in the discomfort of not knowing for long enough, it cultivated an opening. In time, things eventually came into focus. With a lot of meditation, trusting my inner guide, reading and listening to great speakers, yoga and exercise, de-cluttering and purging, I slowly began to receive more clarity and I was grateful!

This quote resonated deeply at the time… I had a sense that this is what was happening to me (or more like for me).

As things were becoming more clear, I could then take next steps in a direction that felt right. Not only did I rewrite and create brand new services that felt aligned for Admin Guru again, I also followed an inner voice that kept getting louder and louder. That voice/intuition led me to Denver in early May where I became certified as an Infinite Possibilities trainer under speaker-authour-trainer Mike Dooley. That training rolled right into another with Gabrielle Bernstein and her Spirit Junkie Masterclass. At the time I didn’t quite know how it would play out, but here I am – a few short months later – with a new business offering that lights me up. Like fireworks!

Forever I’ve been involved with goal-setting, facilitating masterminds, creating vision boards and learning about the law of attraction. I’ve been drawn to imagining my dream life and putting into action steps to manifest them. I’ve developed a faith in something greater than myself and have seen miracles happen. Now with these trainings I’ve recently graduated from, I understand how powerful we all are. How ‘Thoughts Become Things’ and to expect the unexpected.

I had no idea that my lacking clarity last winter was actually exactly what was needed to bring me to another level of self expression. By going through that difficult time, small ideas grew into new offerings. I planted seeds and this website was born. Pulling from my graphic designer days, I got to experience the joy of building this site from scratch. I have been in a creation mode extravaganza and have been feeling such joy. FIREWORKS!

Feeling uncertain and being unclear is SO UNCOMFORTABLE for the ego, but I realize I have to practice unknowing and stay in it for as long as it takes. I must constantly remind myself that the Universe has my back and to trust that even when I can’t SEE anything at in my present circumstances – that doesn’t mean things aren’t moving forward behind the scenes.

I talk much more about these concepts in the course I offer ‘Infinite Possibilities & The Art of Living Your Dreams’.

Referring back to the title of this post ‘When Clarity Eludes Us’, this recent experience can be used as a reminder to trust that all is happening in exact divine timing and that we have to let go in order to grow, and let flow. And let fireworks.